Area Included with Reservation Facility Type
Area Included with Reservation Name
Civic Point Addresses
Dock Facility Type
Dock Name
EA - Parcel PIDs
EA Parcel Address (Property Report)
Field (Reservable) Facility Type
Field (Reservable) Name
ICIS Parcel Address
ICIS Parcel Address
Individual Camping Facility Type
Individual Camping Name
Indoor Facility (Reservable) Facility Type
Indoor Facility (Reservable) Name
Indoor Group Camp Facility Type
Indoor Group Camp Name
Indoor Reservable Facility - Area Facility Type
Indoor Reservable Facility - Area Name
Metro Vancouver Parcel Address
Metro Vancouver Places
Outdoor Group Camp Facility Type
Outdoor Group Camp Name
Parcel PID
Parking Lot (Reservable) Facility Type
Parking Lot (Reservable) Name
Parks Park Name
Parks Trail and Road Network Park Name
Parks Trail System Primary Name
Picnic Shelter - Area Facility Type
Picnic Shelter - Area Name
Picnic Shelter (Reservable) Facility Type
Picnic Shelter (Reservable) Name
Riding Ring (Reservable) Facility Type
Riding Ring (Reservable) Name
Road Centreline Address
Road Intersection
Road Name
Sewer Main Acronym
Sewer Main District File Number
Sewer Main Drawing Number
Sewer Main Facility Section
Sewer Main Parent Facility
Sewer Main Sheet Number
Sewer Maintenance Description
Sewer Maintenance Facility Name
Sewer Maintenance Hole Acronym
Sewer Maintenance Hole Facility Id
Sewer Names (Mains)
Sewer Names (Manholes)
Water Main District File No
Water Main Drawing Numnber
Water Main Facility Id
Water Main Facility Section
Water Main Parent Facility
Water Main Sheet Number
XY (utm)
Rural Place Name Labels
Address Labels
PIDs - Land Title Office
Plan Labels
Roll Number - BC Assessment Authority
Lot, District, Township, Range and Meridian Labels
Parcel Hook
Major and Minor Watercourses
20m Contours
100m Contours
Watershed Boundaries
Road Allowance Built
Road Allowances Unbuilt
Administration Boundaries
Parcel Class
Parcel Owner Type
Regional Parks
SEI Ecosystems
Metro 2040 Designations